Breakfast, in the Australian Bush…

Campfire cooking

An egg poached in an orange over a coal fire with bacon on the side. Seriously, it’s gotta be the best thing since sliced bread, hey!

Photo: Baz – The Landy

An Orange with my Egg (Please)


Campfire cooking

A great part of being Out and About in this great southern land of ours is the opportunity it gives to prepare food over an open fire – campfire cooking.

 Mind you, I’m no gourmet cook, far from it and besides, Janet-Planet cooks up the best food ever.

Um, yes, you’re right, my waistline is starting to confirm that…

But let me say, there is nothing better than sitting around a fire on a lazy Sunday morning, the bacon sizzling away in the pan, coals glowing as the aroma of the smoked hickory bacon wafts on a warm and gentle breeze…

And for sure, I’m hearing ya – every morning is a lazy one in the Australian Outback…right?

By-the-way, I’ll have my eggs poached in an orange thanks!


Get out of here…you’ve never tried it?

Tell you what, scoop out an orange, crack an egg into it and sit back, relax, it’ll be cooked soon enough – you’ll never look back.

Orange poached egg, its got to be the best thing since sliced bread!

Photo: Baz – The Landy