6 thoughts on “A True Blue Aussie – As Australian as it gets…

  1. Lavinia Ross February 9, 2018 / 5:10 am

    They are beautiful creatures! And like Barbara, I never tire of seeing the photos!

    I am curious about wombats though. Do you have any photos of them?


    • Baz - The Landy February 10, 2018 / 9:44 am

      Hi Lavinia…good question, but no I don’t have any wombat photo’s (that I can recall). But I will make a point of getting some, a good excuse for a night nature walk given they are nocturnal. Take care and trust all is well at Salmon Brook Farm…Cheers, Baz

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lavinia Ross February 12, 2018 / 11:17 am

        Spring is not far off now. Not a single snowflake in our area this winter. It’s been unusually warm for this time of year. I’ve read that the snow pack in the mountains is down this year, too. Summer could be interesting.

        Looking forward to those wombat photos!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Baz - The Landy February 13, 2018 / 8:18 am

        My “virtual rowing” mates in Colarado are tipping snow for Valentine’s Day. Hope you get some…! Cheers, Baz

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Barbara Grandberg February 7, 2018 / 8:26 am

    great photo :] btw…i never tire of seeing your and janet’s photos :}


    • Baz - The Landy February 7, 2018 / 8:53 am

      I photograph them all the time, but I particularly liked this one has it had some soft afternoon light behind it…Cheers, Baz


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