Barber Talk (Where would we be without it?)

Life is too short for bad ice-cream
Life is too short for bad ice-cream and bad hair-cuts

A few days back TomO came home sporting a new haircut even though it was only a couple of weeks ago that he had his last one…

Seemingly, becoming a teenager has heralded in a new found attention in his appearance, let’s call it grooming…

Mind you this new found focus on grooming, the one that takes at least fifteen minutes in front of the bathroom mirror each day, seems to be encouraged by the fact that he now catches a train full of girls from Cheltenham Girls High.  But hey, we were all a teenager once…

Yes, okay, that was sometime ago for me, and nice of you to bring that up!

Anyway, I asked him “what do you talk about when you get a haircut?”

“What do you mean, Dad?” he asked…

I said, “you know, what do you talk about as the scissors are snipping away”

“Oh – Just Barber Talk”…he quipped!

“Crikey, yeah I get that” I thought.

As a kid I always looked forward to a haircut, still do mind you and to ensure I avoid that aging rock star look, you know, the long hair, bordering on a mullet, slightly greying, I go regularly…

I like my hair short and must say I’ve never really had long hair, despite being blessed with a full head of hair that costs me twenty bucks every month to trim and keep enhancing my already good looks.

Well, Janet often gets that cheeky little grin when she is checking me out, so I’m assuming it must be my good looks…

Okay, yes she’s biased  I know, but don’t just take her word for it…

Someone commented on one of my posts just the other day that I looked quite handsome even with my legs bandaged up. And don’t go asking me who it was, that wouldn’t be fair, so mum’s the word on that score…

But fair dinkum, who said anything about being fair and especially when it comes to vanity, so if you would like to read Sherry’s blog,  Fabulous 50’s you can find it here.

I might just put that photo in this blog as well, worked a treat for me last time!

Baz - Recuperating
Baz – looking handsome recuperating

Anyway, I’m starting to rabbit on a bit here, so let me get to the point of all this.

When it really boils down to it I think it is the “Barber Talk” that I enjoy the most about a visit to the snip shop.  You know, usually you can’t remember what it was that you were talking about five minutes later, but you just know it was good, even if the barber was just nodding most of the time.

So tell me, is this just a blokey thing, or do women get the same experience?

I’m just curious…

And honestly it has nothing to do with the fact that Janet’s hairdo costs ten times as much as mine every month (um, yeah, that would be a couple of hundred).  Hell no, don’t you go thinking anything of the sort, besides, I love that little cut she gets…even if it does cost a couple of hundred…

Janet - Cheeky as ever
Janet – Cheeky as ever – Um, and nice hairdo!

I talk the leg off the barber’s chair for my fifteen minutes and twenty bucks…So crikey, I’m wondering what you get for a couple of hundred in the parlour, they must talk themselves hoarse…in between all those lattes!

Yep, barber talk, where would we be without it, hey?

Great haircuts - hey?
Great haircuts – hey?

29 thoughts on “Barber Talk (Where would we be without it?)

  1. Jessica June 11, 2013 / 6:54 am

    LOL My husband won’t pay to have anyone cut his hair. He’s mastered the art of his own haircuts after a few shouting matches of trying to teach me how to do a high and tight years back. He does it just fine himself and I just check it for any missed spots. And I’ve given in and let him trim my hair too. It’s just too much dang money we’d rather spend on other things! 🙂


  2. Sas June 7, 2013 / 5:48 am

    Believe me, if I could find someone who would cut my hair for the price of a mens cut I would pay it! Unfortunately, women’s hair tends to be a lot harder, and more expensive, to deal with. As for the barber talk, my hairdresser tends to talk to me about what she’s seen on TV, some local gossip and my hair. Recently, she’s been teaching me to train my hair so I don’t have to wash it every day. You may laugh, but it works 🙂


  3. Christina Waschko June 5, 2013 / 12:27 pm

    Did the barber take over the role of the bar man? You know the one Crocodile Dundee in No.1 is referring to? Whalley is his name? Yes, barbers or hair dressers: Shrinks at an affordable price???!!!! And, Oh lala, like this new tone somewhat better than your mountain climbing adventures! Still sorry to hear about your operation – but you are right: The mountains will be there when you are back in tip top condition! In the meantime, please keep on jibber jabbering about the Outback, the barber and life in beautiful Sydney!


    • Baz - The Landy June 6, 2013 / 1:51 pm

      Good old Wal, yep, every outback bar has a Wal in it!

      Off to country New South Wales this long weekend,so hopefully get some great photos…gives us something to do!


      • Christina Waschko June 8, 2013 / 3:35 am

        You guys have fun in the sun – and have a drink on me in one of the bars1


  4. Leah June 5, 2013 / 9:20 am

    Yes Pom Pom has quite the obsession now with Lynx and hair gel…… As Aunty I will definately have to get him better quality aftershave!


    • Baz - The Landy June 5, 2013 / 9:29 am

      Lynx is the new Brut 33 – he’ll grow out of it eventually…


  5. Cowboys and Crossbones June 5, 2013 / 5:47 am

    A well coiffed family with a knack for talking the ear of the barber…my hair dresser is kinda like my therapist…but we have a cocktail while she’s cutting my hair. Aren’t you shocked?


  6. icescreammama June 5, 2013 / 1:03 am

    personally, my favorite part is being shampooed! soo nice!


  7. Travel Spirit June 4, 2013 / 8:46 pm

    Crikey…thanks for the mention! I love giving people nice compliments! I also love your wife’s haircut…the reason it’s so expensive is when we get color or highlights put in. Your family is lovely…just as you are! Sending peace and love….~Sherry~


    • Baz - The Landy June 5, 2013 / 10:22 am

      Thank you very much, nice people like you keep the world spinning around!



  8. kruzmeister June 4, 2013 / 8:25 pm

    Great looking family you’ve got there Baz (including the leader!). I must say first of all, I LOVE the quote about life being too short to eat bad icecream… Amen to that!! I’m not a real girly girl as such, so for me a trip to the hair dresser is generally a chore. No $200 cuts for me, $27 bucks and I’m outta there. Short hair for me is convenient due to my training, although I must admit if I do go out I don’t mind the odd bit of pampering, so maybe there is a girly girl lurking inside me afterall! 😉


    • Baz - The Landy June 5, 2013 / 9:34 am

      Hang on, but what about me? Janet’s running our show 😉

      Thanks for the lovely comments and I’m with you, if you exercise a lot short hair is the way to go…


  9. AndrewGills June 4, 2013 / 4:04 pm

    LOL. I used to like barber talk but now I just use a $20 pair of clippers every 4-8 weeks. That $20 lasts me a year or two until clippers die. But my conversation is not as good as the barber’s …


    • Baz - The Landy June 4, 2013 / 4:29 pm

      No way….talking to yourself has to be the best conversation you can ever have… 🙂


  10. pickledwings June 4, 2013 / 3:37 pm

    Good looking crew you have there.

    I think the last time I out out for someone to cut my hair it was eight or so years ago and it almost cost me an ear. I’ve got so little hair anymore that it doesn’t make sense to pay anyone when shaving my head is just as easy.

    My girlfriend tried to grow her hair longer a few months ago. Speaking as a guy with a soft spot for ladies with shorter hair, I’m glad she didn’t keep up on that. 🙂


    • Baz - The Landy June 4, 2013 / 4:28 pm

      Thanks…Janet actually had quite long hair at one time, but we especially love her little pixie cut!


  11. honeydidyouseethat? June 4, 2013 / 3:02 pm

    Once a month??? Did you guys win the lottery?? Your boy is a cutie patootie!! As is your wife.. as are you.. there. I’ve covered all my bases.


    • Baz - The Landy June 4, 2013 / 3:21 pm

      Phew, was worried I would get left out there for a sec or two…

      Can’t wait to tell him he’s a cutie patootie, he’ll love it, but it will come with a stern warning from him that I can only say it behind locked doors, no other kids in sight or earshot…


  12. Mountainstroh (Tony) June 4, 2013 / 1:59 pm

    Gorgeous wife pal (Not that I looking of course!) I hate going for haircuts, I go every 3 months of so and let them shear me down to respectable. Its like buying clothes for the office, just feels like a waster of cash and takes me away from things that are more fun.

    That being said, tomorrow night be the summertime shearing…. We’ll see!


    • Baz - The Landy June 4, 2013 / 3:18 pm

      Now I’m with you n clothes for the office, and besides I’m coloured blind so the buying experience is twice as bad…

      And yes Janet…one in a million!


  13. Baz - The Landy June 4, 2013 / 1:53 pm

    Strewth, it’s catching on! 😉

    Um, and yep, I love to rabbit on a bit!


  14. MikeW June 4, 2013 / 1:20 pm

    Wonderful crew on the ship Baz, blessings on them and you. Thanks for “Rabbiting on a bit…”

    Said “Strewth,” to a friend of mine the other day. Had to put the citation down to the Landy.


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